Monday, March 5, 2012

Lesson Learned

Lately I've been having a hard time with my son Kale (7 years old).  Not listening, making messes, forgetting homework, talking back etc.  Yep, I know...."he's a boy"  But mixed with my lack of patience... = no bueno!  Yelling at him is not helping, grounding him is not helping, time outs have not done much.

Ok, so I realize, taking the easy way out isn't working.  Going to have to put on my big girl panties and go back to a little "token economy."  Basically, positive reinforcement.  Which is actually harder than it sounds.  Really?  I have to say "good job buddy!  You actually brushed your teeth when I told you the first time!"  And then go put a sticker on his chart?  It's exhausting!  These are things I think "he should know."

So here I go to Pinterest.  Certainly they will have some super cool, sticker chart printables right?  I mean my kids need something to keep them accountable!!!!  And I'm searching....searching.... yep, found something to copy that will work!

And then I see a chart that says "No Yelling Mommy" with a bunch of squares (dun dun dun).  And it hits me like a brick wall because I know deep down, when I'm worked up, angry, impatient and mad, the situation is not getting any better for anyone anytime soon.

So guess what?  We needed 3 sticker charts.  If the kids get 10 stickers they get a treat.  Once they get 40 they get something a little bit more substantial.  We haven't really decided what the rewards will be yet.  But let me just say tonight homework that usually takes 1 1/2 hours, took about 30 minutes.    I mean we'll see if it holds up, but I gotta try something.

And here's my chart.  Honestly, I didn't even want to blog this because then I would need to actually try and follow through.  My reward is monetary.  :)  I am giving myself $2 for every day without yelling.  Ugh, almost doesn't seem worth it now that I type it.  Hahah, but let's not forget, I'm a domestic goddess!

Wish me luck people!  What do you do in these slumps?

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