Sunday, February 27, 2011

My Invention, The Memory Box!

I think I have pretty funny kids.  I mean they really say some funny stuff sometimes like I'm sure most kids do.  But whenever I tell people they say "Are you writing this down?!"  Ummmm, welll.... sometimes.  I try to remember to write it down so I can tell them what they did or said when they get older.  But I really do have a horrible memory!  I could watch a movie and not even know what I saw the next day!  (Not really sure how I got through college but I'm guessing my short term memory must be pretty good.)

Anyway.....  I decided, if we just had a convenient way to log these memories down, it might work!  So after months and different types of glue.  I came up with a memory box.

Oh, and the idea is to keep it out on your counter top where it's convenient, log what your kids do or say and maybe even write down milestones, ie: first haircut - 1 year. When your kids get older you can give it to them or read it to them occasionally as they are growing up to make them smile.

So.... Here's the poem that goes inside the box....

I keep this box of memories of all you do and say.
The precious, cute and funny, I could write something every day.
I can’t remember everything, and there’s so much you’ll want to know.
Everyday’s a blessing, and everyday you’ll grow.
Everyone says “Are you writing this down? They’ll be gone before you know it!”
And now I can say, “Why, yes I am!” Whew,… I didn’t blow it!
The box is yours to keep, just as soon as you are grown.
But my job as a mommy, will never be quite done.

Look what I did today!

So I saw this on another blog and I thought....hmmmm, I could do that.  While James was outside with the kids, I grabbed some of his tools from the garage and got to work.  The before was a picture of a gate.  I think I bought this on clearance at Kohls for about $7.  I really did like this picture but I was kind of anxious to try this out so I sacrificed this frame.

I first took the paper backing off and pulled out all the staples.

I popped out the glass and the old picture and was left with the frame.  I measured where I wanted to attach the picture wire then added it with a staple gun.

Added a few pictures with paperclips and other clips I had lying around the house and voila!!

I now have my cute kids in a simple, pretty ,frame by my computer station.